
From European Proteomics Academy
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This page lists grants available for bioinformaticians focused on the field of proteomics.

Travel Grants

Name Target Audience Price Description Requirements Deadline Contact Link
EuPA Travel Grant PhD, PostDoc Up to 500,00 Euro For relevant Proteomic conferences 2 EuPA travel grants for each event of up to € 500,00 are available. Travel receipts will be asked in order to justify the requested amount. Participants from Societies other than the local organizers will receive priority. Awardees will be identified by EuPA EC in agreement with a local society representative. Applicants must meet the following requirements (i) PhD/Master degree ≤ 7 years; (ii) individual member of a EuPA Associated Society; (iii) completed registration for the intended Conference; (iv) submission of an abstract for the Conference Ongoing Applications should be sent to the EuPA Secretary, Christian Kleinhammer (, no later than two weeks before the event.
EuPA Exchange Program PhD, PostDoc Up to 1.000,00 Euro EuPA will subsidize exchange programs of young researchers endorsed by National Societies (including the use of competitively obtained exchange funding) by matching up to € 1’000,00 the amount of the fellowship awarded. This action is dedicated for developing collaborative networks among the different EuPA member communities, minimum 2 EuPA member Societies must support the proposal. New collaborations, dedicated brief experimental sessions and training activities will be prioritized (congress participation is not eligible activity). Two letters of presentation from two different EuPA societies (signed by the respective legal representatives) stating the amount allocated and a synopsis (1 side A4 paper) of the research proposal should be produce by the applicant. Funds will be transferred to the successful applicant upon acknowledgment of the receiving institution of a letter stating the completion of the proposed activities. Applicants must meet the following requirements (i) PhD/Master degree ≤ 7 years; (ii) individual member of a EuPA Associated Society Ongoing Applications should be sent to the EuPA Secretary, Christian Kleinhammer (, no later than one month before the schedule mission.

Other grants

No grants listed

How to post a grant

To post a grant on this site, simply register for this wiki and edit this page. When adding new grants please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Name: The (short) name of the grant
  • Target Audience: The group of people who should apply for this grant, ie. "PhD", "PostDoc", "all"
  • Price: A short description of what will be awarded.
  • Description: A short description about the grant's objective
  • Requirements: A short list of requirements the applicant has to fulfil to apply for this grant
  • Deadline: Date until which the application must be submitted
  • Contact: The primary contact for this grant
  • Link: Link pointing to the official grant's page